Friday, October 21, 2016

Blogging Secret Exposed (part 2)



A widely dispersed audience depends on weblogs for filtered and disseminated information as it plays an important role positioned outside the mainstream of mass media.

Professional bloggers are experts in evaluating the nature of information sources; it is not reasonable to assume that all readers can do the same. Readers depend on the bloggers to provide them with their knowledge share. Weblogs point to, comment on, and spread information according to their own idiosyncratic perspective. Readers accept all information provided to them via blogs – all information – including articles from a source that is a little wacky or has a strong agenda etc, but not an unethical nature of source.

If it is felt that a well-written article can stand on its own only with ethically clear and

relevant sources. Readers may cease to trust a blog where disguised or unclear source of an article is discovered. Making the sources clear or providing the readers all the facts is important because it enables the reader to avoid evaluating the facts differently. So, weblog’s ethical standards are designed in way that delineates the responsibilities of weblog professionals and provide a clear code of conduct to ensure the integrity of the news.

Blogs And Associated Responsibilities

It is unrealistic to expect every weblogger to present an even-handed picture of the world. It is also unrealistic to expect them to be forthcoming about their sources, biases, and behavior. Any weblogger who expects to be accorded the privileges and protections of a professional journalist will need to have associated responsibilities. It is an individual's professionalism and meticulous observance of recognized ethical standards that determines his or her status in the eyes of society and the law.

Following standards should always be kept in mind:

-Only fact that is believed to be true should be published

-When you reference, link to the sources if material exists online

-If any incorrect information is published, correct it publicly

-Each entry should be written in a way that could not be changed. Only additions should be made possible, but no rewriting or deletion

-All interest conflict should be disclosed

-Always note questionable and biased sources

Weblogging gives you freedom of expression. At the same time, it has associated responsibilities. It is an individual's professionalism and meticulous observance to recognize these standards.

Though Weblogs started out as merely logs of interesting Web sites, they have evolved into an exchange of communication and information. Professionals, today, are channeling the impulse in such a way that it can actually make some small specific difference in the world.

Professional bloggers are acutely aware of the potential for abuse that their system inherits. They have realized that rights have associated responsibilities; in the end it is an individual's professionalism and meticulous observance of recognized ethical standards that determines status in the eyes of society and the law.

It is considered that the value of blogging for charity offers a more personal connection for donors. Few bloggers have even initiated the practice by adding a donation button

to the blog, where people may probably contribute a buck or two. An example of such site is The list of charities is just as diverse as the bloggers themselves, from the National Film Preservation Foundation to Heifer International, which donates farm animals to hunger-stricken regions. More than a dozen bloggers are backing cancer support group Gilda’s Club and several participants have already raised $6,000 toward a new ambulance for Magen David Adom, the Israeli equivalent of the American Red Cross. Another example is, which recently had an article on how the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies' Weblog of "open discussion" provided an example to "companies that want to take their customers seriously as world citizens and not just as potential revenue sources." The article points to The Shell Report, whose tagline is "protecting the environment and managing resources."

Weblog provide many advantages to its readers. It can provide additional information to what corporate media can provide - it can expose the fallacy of an argument or perhaps reveal an inaccurate detail.

Weblogs have been all the rage in online media, but 2003 will be the real breakout year for blogs, as more journalists use them, and more celebrities use them. The weblog network's potential influence is one of the main reasons that mainstream news organizations have begun investigating the phenomenon. Mass media seeks, above all, to gain a wide audience. Advertising revenues, the lifeblood of any professional publication or broadcast, depend on the size of that publication's audience. Content, from a business standpoint, is also a concern. Weblogs fits in all these requirements. There is every indication that weblogs will gain even greater influence as their numbers grow and awareness of the form becomes more widespread. Someday, news organizations may be willing to point to weblogs or weblog entries as serious sources, but only if weblogs have, as a whole, demonstrated integrity in their information gathering and dissemination, and consistency in their online conduct.

The Essentials Of Blog Etiquettes

Comment sections on blogs are perhaps the most potential medium for misunderstanding. With free expression and the option of anonymity it is unrealistic to expect a weblogger to present an even- handed picture of the world, but it is very reasonable to expect them to cooperate with their sources, biases, and behavior. This section of the unit will assess certain rules or guideline necessary to check web ethics of a blog.

The first principle deals with how to make an assertion. Make an assertion in good faith; state facts only if you are sure about it with the following note – ‘to the best of my knowledge’. Never post an article if there are reasons to believe that something is far from factual basis, but there will be times when you will find yourself speculating. Whenever you do that, admit it in your article and always note your reservations.

Before you shoot a quick reply to an uncomplimentary remark or comment, make sure that you understand what it actually meant. Improper placement of words and tone

variations sometimes make all the difference in the delivery of a sentence. It is advisable to be respectful, and give others the benefit of the doubt.

When you link to referenced material, you actually allow the readers to judge the accuracy and insightfulness of your statements. This will enable you to preserve transparency and integrity.

Everyone argues differently. Some people do it forcefully and others are more interested in dialoguing. People are rarely persuaded by heavy replies than the humble ones. Humble replies are easily challenged.

If you find that you have linked to a story that was untrue, make a note of it and link to a more accurate report. Ideally, these corrections appear in the most current version of your weblog and as an added note to the original entry.

There is absolutely no need and no good excuse for speaking condescendingly to those with whom you disagree. This rule also applies to those who see fit to broadcast their discord with another individual in public. The comments section of a heavily trafficked weblog is not the correct place to defame the person you hate.

Write each entry as if it could not be changed; add to, but do not rewrite or delete, any entry. If you invest each entry with intent, you will ensure your personal and professional integrity. Example: a weblogger complains about inaccuracies in an online article; the writer corrects those inaccuracies and notes them; the weblogger's entry is now meaningless? Is it? Deleting the entry will remove evidence to the whole incident - but it did. Ideally, bloggers should note beneath the original entry that the writer has made the corrections and the article is now, to the weblogger's knowledge, accurate.

A serious article may be linked to a highly biased source. It is the blogger’s responsibility to clearly note the nature of the site on which it was found. Well-written articles can be found on sites that are maintained by highly biased organizations. Readers need to know whether an article on a particular sensible topic comes from a site that strongly favors/opposes that topic.

Last but not the least, when commenting on someone else's site, always remember that you are a guest there. Be polite, and double-check your words so that nothing you say could be misconstrued.

Blogs and Journalism

The world has seen the emergence of a new style of journalism, based on a 'raw feed' directly from the source. And the common notion that surrounds the emergence of serving ‘raw feed’ is that the journalists testing the new waters are bound to wreak havoc on institutionalized media. Also a popular notion is that Weblogs changes the nature of 'news' is in the migration of information from the personal to the public.

Unquestionable, a blog is a medium that gives maximum exposure to one’s creativity. Just by hitting the 'post' button and any personal writing becomes published writing.

Weblogging is driving a powerful new form of amateur journalism. Today, millions of Net users — young people especially — have taken up the role of columnist, reporter, analyst and publisher while fashioning their own personal broadcasting networks.

For the inexperienced, a blog consists of a running commentary with pointers to other sites. Some, like, Jim Romenesko's Media News or Steve Outing's E-Media Tidbits, cover entire industries by providing quick bursts of news with links to full stories.

Journalism and blogging together is becoming popular day by day, more than any other form of blogging. Following reasons are considered to extensively contribute to its increasing popularity:

Creative Freedom

Part of a blog's allure is its unmediated quality. For a journalist, there's no luxury like the luxury of publishing unedited essay. The freedom in being able to present yourself precisely as you want to is of enormous joy. It does not matter how sloppily, irrationally or erratically the content is written. The idea is to publish what you think in the way you think.


To a few writers, even writing for a weekly magazine may seem like taking ages to print. With a Weblog, you hit the send key and it is out.


It is a kick to receive feedback from people who have taken interest to read and criticize your work. These are the people you have never heard of; who stumble on your Weblog and become a part of your thinking process.

Lack Of Marketing Constraints

When blogging it is not necessarily to tailor a work piece for a certain readership or demographic. People interested in a perspective finds its author – the blogger, instead of the blogger finding a publication that reflects people’s interests.

Most of the time, the Weblogs tend to be less about actual reporting and more about analysis and punditry and opinionated commentary. The 9/11 terrorist attacks fuelled the public's appetite for information, analysis and news, if only to make sense of the tragedy. Bloggers rose to prominence by feeding this desire.

Blogging has taken off in remarkable fashion; in a way, it has made good where newsgroups have failed. It has kept the promise that the Internet would provide real
community to Web surfers. Tuning in to some of the newsgroups devoted to the terror attacks; one may sometimes feel to be in the middle of a verbal war zone with so much noise passing for informed discussion.

Weblogs run from single person operation to large teams and communities, to business organizations spread throughout the world. They offer a great way for readers to find constantly updated news and information. It also allows authors to connect to thousands of readers in a personal way and add the honest, unedited voice of thousands to increasingly commercializing Web.

The plethora of tools that helps managing the weblog capitalizes on the ease of publishing posts to even greater extent.

These are probably the reasons why they have been widely adopted and maintained - for several years in some cases.


The Case Studies

Case Study 1 Of Existing Blog – Weblog As A Marketing Tool

Businesspeople have discovered Web logs to be an online and interactive marketing tool. A good example is SherpaBlog, just launched by MarketingSherpa publisher Anne Holland.

MarketingSherpa's Anne Holland has been amazed at the reaction to her blog. She receives around 20 emails in a day in response to her blog.

Anne Holland regards her blog as a marketing tool, because she feels it lets readers feel like they can reach out to the writer of a blog. The blog enables her to touch the readers in a way that none of formal e-newsletters can. She writes in an off-the-cuff, casual style, and a typo or two doesn’t actually matters.

Many of Anne's blog readers are her newsletter subscribers. And while she is careful not to promote her newsletters or other information products, she is finding that those who respond to her blogging are 10 times more likely to buy from her. This is because people who feel a personal connection to a company are more likely to become a customer.

She promotes her blog in every one of her e-newsletters, simply by adding a prominently placed link.

Case Study 2 Of Existing Blog - The Power of Weblog

Matt Haughey is the founder of community weblog MetaFilter. One day he got a telemarketer call while he was sitting at home. The cold callers were Critical IP, who had gotten his home phone number from the central database of domain name owners. He posted his outrage on his own weblog:

The gang at Critical IP feel the whois database is a virtual goldmine worth cold-calling and bothering you at home (when I asked them if they got my number from the whois database, they admitted that yes, that was how they obtained it). ...

Matt then asked other bloggers to spread the word that Critical IP was coldcalling people while they were eating supper:

If you feel like sharing this message with anyone else, just copy this HTML and post on your site: Critical IP sucks.

The result: over the next few days, it was noticed that dozens of blogs had linked to Matt's post, all with the same message: "Critical IP sucks". Even today, you may find over two-dozen weblogs linking to Matt's post.

The thought here was that the collective linking of the weblog community can achieve a sort of mob justice, with Google searchers finding the message "Critical IP sucks" whenever they searched for Critical IP.

As collective votes of the weblog community determine what sites you see on Google, Matt's personal site soon became the #1 search result for google searches of "Critical IP".

Its worth noting how frighteningly powerful weblogs are. There's even a name in the weblog community for this phenomenon: Google Bombing. Whether it's done accidentally or more purposefully, the very existence of this phenomenon points to the power of Weblogs to impact the Google search experience.

Case Study 1 Of Existing Blog – Weblog As A Educational Tool

The Nuffield Foundation started a weblog looking for ideas to support students taking their chemistry courses and raise the participation level of online students. Creating a was their first experiment with blogs. proved to be an incredibly popular online genre. Soon they realized that how easy was it to use - no user names to remember and no complicated tools to learn how to use etc. Chemistry-react like all the best blogs became a web page packed with great links and useful annotations.

Often blogs are used as a topical focal point for online communities, proving to be a success where discussion boards or forums have failed. Because the content is news oriented, it means there is always a reason to return to the site. Because the content is time oriented, it is very easy to catch up with what has happened since your last visit.

A blog was good fit for the students taking the chemistry courses too. Taking a course is something that happens over time. As a student, one week you are looking at polymers, the next at acids. All the students around the world will pretty much be experiencing the same challenges at the same time. The blog could support this process.

Though the blog content created became popular with the students, blog owners realized that the commenting feature wasn’t used as much as we all expected.

The story would have ended there, except for the fact that a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section was added to the blog and it was massively successful. Students ask intelligent questions and that in turn became useful content which brought the students back for more. Interestingly, the blog has evolved into a news delivering part of a FAQ site.

Nuffield hit upon a format that is popular, productive and participative. They are now developing tools to help the blog team be more effective at answering questions and improving the usability of the FAQ’s themselves, by letting the system "learn" about chemistry questions and answers.

Case Study 4 Of Existing Blog – Starting A Weblog

The Washington State Drowning Prevention Network website was lately launched. The majority site is built using XHTML for structure and CSS for presentation, with a table-free layout. Most of the pages validate XHTML 1.0 Transitional and the site is a great success, as the owner chose to use practical Web standards. The following case study shows how was he able to achieve all the goals laid out for the site with limited time and limited resources.

The Problem

The Drowning Prevention site has been around since around 1998 and it's not been touched, with the exception of yearly content updates, since then. The owner of the site did these updates before and found them particularly time consuming for a number of reasons. The site had originally be built with FrontPage and as the years past had gone through several different iterations, whenever he would update it something would break or he would have to rebuild an entire page just to add a few links.

The site was in much need of an overhaul, both visually and structurally. So, a designer sat down with him and the stakeholders and began to talk about the goals for this site. He asked for ideas about how we wanted it laid out, what kind of visual feel and how we wanted to reorganize the content. It was all fairly straightforward and need to be
done quickly because of the time sensitive nature of the content.

The Goals

As with every good project, we started with clear goals. Our main goals for this site were to:

-Update the content of the site

-Update the look and feel

-Make the site more consistent

-Make the site more accessible

-Make the site easier to use

The owner had some of his own goals for the site:

-Make the site easier to update

-Future proof the site

The Solution

Because we needed a new look and feel it was realized that they need to build the site from the ground up. There was just way to much presentational code mixed in with their content. The designer started by creating a simple layout on paper, then later in Photoshop and going over that with the stakeholders. Given the simplicity of the site, this was easily done. Then a template was built. The designer began to migrate content from the old site and mix that in with the new stuff coming from the stakeholders.

This content migration was a bit of a bear. All of the presentational elements from the code which was time consuming were stripped out. There were a few pages in the site that had so much going on. These were left untouched.

The designer tried to clean up the site's exiting content as much as possible. All of the links were reorganized and retitled and did a simple, clear Information Architecture on the site was created.

After a week or so the basic site was all built out and all of the content was migrated and updated. It was then sent to the stakeholder for review.

A Small Wrench in the Work

Having worked out most of the browser bugs and refined the template it was felt like the work was over. It wasn't quite that simple though. The stakeholders wanted to make some pretty big changes to the content as well as quite a bit more updates. At that time it was decided to make some major tweaks to the layout as well.

Blog Tools to the Rescue

These major changes and layout tweaks were done in under an hour because the site was built using one of the blog softwares (name has not been revealed deliberately). This made the work really easy. The actual content changes were a snap because the code was so stripped down and clean and all the layout changes were done within the CSS file. Without that the layout changes alone would have easily taken half a day even using sketchy "find and replace" methods.

The stakeholders were pleased to see the work and the site launched on time.

A Few More Benefits

In addition to the benefits talked about above, by choosing to build the site with Blog Tools and Softwares one is able to:

-Eliminate browser issues with both current and legacy browsers

-Insure forward compatibility with future browsers

-Help in analyzing how to future proof the links

-Achieve instant compatibility with most non-web devices

-Decrease the total file size from 33MB to 14MB

-Drop average page weight from 11KB to around 6KB

-Increase accessibility and usability of the site -- by default

-Radically reduce the learning curve/ training time for distributed authorship


Blog Reviews


Pundit Glenn Reynolds is a law professor from the University of Tennessee. In his blog, he disseminates information about legal and civil liberty issues. The topics he mostly writes about are: American's right to privacy, religious and race relations, cloning, the National Rifle Association, freedom of the press, etc. The blog has links to other popular blogs.

The Corner

The Corner is affiliated with the National Review. The blog mostly consists of news of the day, linked from sources ranging from the Wall Street Journal to Wired magazine to other people's blogs etc. Topics most likely to be found on the blog cannot be firmly categorized; it can be a commentary on politics and current events, patriotic implications of the steel tariff, the final episode of the X-Files etc. Discussions about race and religion get heated up.


Slashdot showcases the latest developments in technology. Topics of discussions can be the latest hardware and software and conferences, books, sci-fi movie effects and other similar topics. Interactivity is high: readers discuss everything from how to build a computer from scratch to online film piracy. Journals section lets readers create their own blog-within-a-blog.

Obscure Store and Reading Room

This site dishes strangest realities. The blog contains the most unthinkable news – about finding a fried chicken head in the McNuggets or about the one about the man who beat up his son for making out with the dog. The blog also links to straight news, gossip and an interesting collection of other blogs.

Eatonweb Portal

A site is linked to more than 4,700 international blogs that are searchable by 52 categories. The vast search field includes searching by country of origin, language, keyword etc. It can get you to an authors' critique of a naive Business Week article on VC funding. It's all there: the good, the bad and the just plain weird.

Baseball News Blog

This blog features a daily dose of baseball-related news from Web sites, newspapers and industry journals summarized and linked from the main page. It also has plenty of outside links to analyses, columnists and some of the blogger's favorite team sites. The blog is linked to more than 100 baseball-related sites, including other blogs like Futility Infielder and Transaction Oracle.

This blog is linked to news sources from all around the world. The site is organized into top stories, business and sports, investment news, science and health news and entertainment news etc. The blog allows reader to search the headlines by keyword.


Sullywatch is full of argument and ideas. The blog has posts are long and involved and are well argued and intelligent.

Tokyo Tidbits

‘Tokyo Tidbits’ is a mobile picture blog. A girl called Mie takes picture from her phone and maintains the blog. She then types the entries before e -mailing them to the Movabletype based blog. The blog has lots of nice pictures from around Tokyo.


Peripatetic is a personal blog by a long-time professional technologist. His writing on the music industry especially about their futile attempts to stop people sharing files is worth reading.

Daring Fireball

A mac technology blog, Daring Fireball is simple and well designed. People may it to be rude sometimes, but the posts are usually enlightened. The author builds plugins for Movable Type as well.

WIFI Networking News

WIFI Networking news is a technology blog. It is highly specialized as complete a resource for news on the technology. For example: you can read the blog to find out the latest trend in the world of wireless networking.

Tomalak's Realm

Tomalak's Realm is a daily source of links to strategic Web design stories. Every day there are links to interesting articles with short quotes from the story on the site. These stories provide context and is a helpful resource. Topics mostly covered are: e-commerce, usability, intellectual property, online journalism, consumer electronics/technology, futurism, governance and other related subjects...


BlogRolling is a one-stop linklist you can use for your blog. The blog helps you to manage your need for constantly evolving linklist with ease.


"Afterhours in the Juniverse" provides plenty of well written entries in the archived section of the site dated back to April 1, 2002. The blog owner - June - always has something written that is thought out and stimulating to the mind. The majority of the entries made provide links to external sites to provide more information so that the reader can fully grasp the subject that is being touched on. The design for this site is clean, simple and nice to look at. The site is also easy to navigate and is self-explanatory.

The Daily Post

The Daily Post is a group blog - there are two primary people who post but others drop in with their own opinion. The site has a nice mix of interaction between the members about politics, daily life, books being read etc, The design of the site is a simple and has two column designs.

The Gerbilarium

The Gerbilarium is a personal weblog written by someone with a sense of humour. The site design is simple. The side bar is a simple list of links to other areas of the weblog and different websites. The site also include short stories, opinions on different subjects, reviews of mostly hip-hop related stuff and some well written spoof news stories. All of the content has a humorous bent to it and mainly relates to personal things.

The Mad Dater

The blog dedicated to tales of dating experiences, one night stands, and all about relationships. TMD is a woman and her men thrashing blog is definitely entertaining., The writer knows what and how to give what readers want – style is like reading a tabloid. The design is clean and nice.

Urban Scrawl

The website is called Demonblog. Marcus is the weblog author. White and black are the two colors used in the design scheme. Humor is added using a random quote listed between each weblog entry, from Robin Williams to Denis Leary’s perils of wisdom etc. The posts are entertaining. Marcus portrays himself as being quite worldly and intelligent that makes reading his thoughts real. The site has several links to flash games.

Chewy Goodness

The author of the blog is Steve. The postings on the site confirm that the author has a great sense of humor. He describes everyday observances with a witty and sharp voice that is never too harsh or acerbic. The author doesn't shy away from all of life's particular eccentricities and quirks. The design is simple and is easily navigable.

Indigo Ocean

The website has posts that are calm and spiritually connected. At the same time the posts are not preachy, but are simple notes. The design complements the writing style: simple, clean, and peaceful.

Johnny America

The site is a group blog. All the authors are skilled writers with each one of them having a distinct voice. The website has something for everyone - reviews of everything from bars to books to movies to restaurants and wonderfully written fiction. Each entry stands on its own. The design is as simple as can be and it perfectly fits the tone of the site. The website has a few amusing extras such as emails having to do with an "Am I Hot Or Not?" experiment, and an odd little Questions and Answers page.


Adversity is a strong and opinionated blog. It has direct, precise and informative opinions. The blogging style is refreshing and is easily acceptable as the author has some writing ability. The blog is centered on the day -to-day proceedings of the author. The sitre design is good. Navigation has been wisely done. There are extra site features like articles etc.


The tone of the writing style is pompous as it uses big words. The style is occasionally flowery. Once adjusted to the writing style, readers get used to the posts and may find the entries are often funny and insightful. The website has random links and images on the page that helps making reader participation quite cosy.

Sites You Can Refer To For General Help...


Online discussion group tool that provides server space. Follow the "support" link for information on their weblog features.


A free threaded-discussion hosting service used by several weblogs for their discussion forums.


Online weblog creation tool that requires you to have a server somewhere that can accept updates via ftp.


BOP Stands for "Blog Oriented Publishing", an open source database-backed system written in perl. Still in early alpha and looking for contributors.


PHP/MySQL system with many features beyond weblog maintenance, including mailing lists and dynamic content management.


A "page of links on research about things relevant to software that would combine the best features of existing wiki, weblog and PIM software."

Blog Rolling Competitions

Comparative review of Slash, Squishdot, and Thatware.


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